Christafari - Higher Meditation Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Higher Meditation (Outro)
  • Album: Reggae Worship: The First Fruits of Christafari
  • Artist: Christafari
  • Released On: 09 Nov 2000
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Christafari Higher Meditation

Higher Meditation Lyrics

Psalm 136

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good
His mercy endureth forever (repeat after every line)
He alone does the greatest of wonders
In his wisdom created all the heavens
He laid out the earth upon the waters
He made all great lights up in the sky
The sun to rule over all the day
The moon and the stars to rule by night
He gave us his life giving son
He laid upon the cross so we might live
Said he gave his life so we might live
And understand the ways of truth and light
Jesus we praise your holy name
Lord Jesus we praise your holy name

Higher Meditation Video

Higher Meditation Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Higher Meditation: A Song of Spiritual Elevation

Higher Meditation is an uplifting and spiritually empowering song by the Christian reggae band, Christafari. Released in 2012 as part of their album "Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival," this song combines the rhythmic beats of reggae music with lyrics that encourage believers to seek a deeper connection with God.

Key Messages of the Song
Chronologically, the lines of Higher Meditation convey several key messages that resonate with believers seeking spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God. Let's examine these messages sequentially:

1. "Higher meditation, divine sensation"
The opening lines set the tone for the entire song, emphasizing the concept of meditation and its connection to experiencing the divine. This line encourages listeners to engage in a higher form of meditation, one that transcends earthly distractions and elevates the soul to connect with the divine presence of God.

2. "In the presence of the Almighty"
This line acknowledges that true meditation occurs in the presence of God. It suggests that by centering our thoughts and hearts on Him, we can experience His divine presence and receive spiritual enlightenment.

3. "His praises we sing, hallelujahs we bring"
Here, the song emphasizes the importance of praise and worship as integral components of the meditation process. By offering praises and hallelujahs to God, believers can express their gratitude, adoration, and surrender to Him.

4. "Higher meditation, divine sensation"
This line is repeated to reinforce the central theme of the song: the pursuit of a higher form of meditation that leads to a divine sensation. It serves as a reminder to listeners to continually seek a deeper connection with God.

5. "In the secret place of the Most High"
This line alludes to Psalm 91:1, which states, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." It suggests that by dwelling in the secret place of God, believers can experience His protection, guidance, and intimacy.

6. "You’re my shelter, my fortress, my God"
These words echo the imagery found in Psalm 91, where God is portrayed as a shelter and fortress for those who seek refuge in Him. It emphasizes the trust and reliance believers can have in God, especially during times of trouble or uncertainty.

7. "Higher meditation, divine sensation"
Once again, the song reiterates the importance of pursuing a higher form of meditation that leads to a divine sensation. This repetition serves as a reminder and an invitation for listeners to continually seek and experience God's presence.

Meaning and Inspiration
The overall meaning of Higher Meditation is to encourage believers to pursue a deeper connection with God through meditation and worship. It emphasizes the importance of setting aside time to be in God's presence, offering Him praises, and experiencing a divine sensation that can only come from being close to Him.

The inspiration behind this song likely stems from the band's desire to combine their love for reggae music with their faith in Christ. By infusing reggae rhythms with biblical messages, Christafari aims to reach a wider audience and provide a fresh and engaging way to connect with God.

Biblical Analysis
From a biblical perspective, Higher Meditation aligns with various principles found in Scripture. Let's critically analyze the song's biblical foundation:

1. Meditation: The Bible encourages believers to meditate on God's Word and His character. In Psalm 1:2, it says, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." Similarly, Joshua 1:8 states, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night." Higher Meditation rightly emphasizes the importance of meditation, albeit in a broader sense that includes worship and seeking God's presence.

2. Worship: The song's emphasis on praise and worship aligns with numerous biblical passages. Psalm 150:6 exhorts believers to "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Additionally, Psalm 100:2 encourages us to "Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Higher Meditation echoes these sentiments by emphasizing the role of worship in the meditation process.

3. God's Presence: The song frequently references being in the presence of God, which resonates with biblical teachings. Psalm 16:11 declares, "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." The concept of seeking God's presence is deeply rooted in Scripture, and Higher Meditation encourages believers to engage in this pursuit.

Higher Meditation by Christafari is a spiritually uplifting and biblically grounded song that encourages believers to pursue a deeper connection with God through meditation and worship. Its key messages emphasize the importance of seeking God's presence, offering Him praise, and experiencing a divine sensation that can only come from being close to Him. By combining reggae music with biblical truths, Christafari provides a unique and engaging way for believers to elevate their spiritual journey.

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